Best diet for gastritis, 1 week menu with recipes

Diet meat with vegetables on the menu to treat gastric gastroenteritis

Modern lifestyle and proper nutrition are often dissimilar concepts, because workload, abundance of fast food facilities make you have to snack in your spare time. Free with unhealthy foods, rich in fats, preservatives, and spices. The results won't keep you waiting - the discomfort in the stomach will go away with dangerous diseases, of which gastritis is considered the most common. Doctors warn: drug treatment will be ineffective without a special diet, so the diet for gastritis should occupy the main place in the treatment process.

Diet for gastritis and peptic ulcers: the basic rules of the diet

In order for the gastritis diet to be of the greatest benefit and to help cope with the problem, you should understand the features of a healthy diet.

The basic rules that nutrition experts emphasize are:

  • Eat only warm foods. Foods that are too cold or scale can irritate the stomach, leading to other complications, and severe pain.
  • Eat chopped or ground food. The large particles are equally dangerous to the mucous membranes in gastritis compared to hot or cold food, and be aware that it will take a long time to digest them. Another danger lurking in raw foods is the increased secretion of gastric juice.
  • A prerequisite for the successful treatment of gastric diseases (especially gastritis) is a segmented diet. It is recommended to eat food at least five times a day with small portions.
  • Makes dietary adjustments. Modifying the menu, eliminating harmful products, adding foods useful for the digestive system is essential.
  • Should build a menu with a nutritionist - experts will introduce useful dishes in each specific case.

Any diet for stomach ailments requires an adjustment to the diet. You should not drink any drinks with gastritis before a meal, this helps to normalize the production of gastric juice.

Diet for gastric gastroenteritis: what to eat, to refuse if the disease completely cures without complications?

Apply, on the advice of a doctor, diet for gastritis, what you can and cannot eat is researched first - this will help you to compose the most useful menu. It should not be assumed that restricting diets will make it difficult - it is possible to easily prepare nutritious delicious meals from products authorized to promote health, normalize digestion, and avoid complications.

What you can and cannot eat, table of diet products for uncomplicated gastritis, general recommendations:

Products Allowed Forbidden
Drinks Green tea, black tea (unsweetened), herbal tea, fruit drink, juice Grape juice, cranberry (drinks from other sour fruits are also prohibited), kvass
Baking Crackers, cookies, lean cookies, toast (without butter) Fresh (particularly hot) baked goods, cakes, products made from yeast
Fruits Always eat the peeled fruit - the peel can irritate the stomach, so grill it Unripe fruit, small seed, fresh fig, dried plum
Cereals Oat, rice, buckwheat porridge Wheat, egg porridge, beans
First courses Low-fat fish, vegetable broth Sour soup with ketchup, okroshka with kvass, borscht with herbs
Eggs Soft cooked, fried omelette with minimum amount of vegetable oil (no animal fat) Exciting
Side dish Grilled, steamed, boiled vegetables Mushrooms, cucumbers (fresh, pickled), bell peppers, onions (scallions, onions), garlic, any canned vegetables

Diet for gastritis and ulcers: the rules of the menu

In the case of ulcers, gastritis, a special diet should be followed, some restrictions and recommendations should be followed for the quick elimination of painful symptoms. It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet foods that can cause severe or bad digestion.

A diet that takes into account all the characteristics of the disease will prevent complications of gastritis, promote healing of the affected mucosal tissues and increase the effectiveness of drug therapy. To get the maximum benefit from food, it is best to immediately understand the specifics of the diet for gastritis and ulcers.

Diet for gastritis: what is forbidden if an ulcer is diagnosed simultaneously?

If you are worried about gastritis, ulcers, the first thing to do is sort out the prohibited foods, completely eliminating them from the daily menu. They can cause complications, impaired health:

  • fatty fish, meat;
  • chocolate, sweets, ice cream;
  • canned vegetables, canned meat, canned fish;
  • bacon, pickles;
  • sweet soda, kvass;
  • Sour fruit (except spinach, white cabbage, citrus fruits);
  • Sauces
  • , especially mayonnaise (recommended with slices of vegetables, mashed potatoes, and low-fat gravy);
  • hot vegetables (garlic, hot peppers, turnips, onions);
  • strong tea (especially sweet), coffee;
  • cakes with a lot of sugar, flour, and yeast.

Diet for people with gastritis and ulcers should also be streamlined, taking into account the heat processing characteristics of the product. Absolutely not allowed to use fried foods with vegetable oil, animal fat (except in the case of gastritis with low acidity, in which case it is allowed to serve fried food on the table from time to time). Should be steamed or boiled, allowed to cook food in the oven.

Ulcers and gastritis: what is allowed?

For stomach ailments, the list of allowed foods is quite extensive, so you can easily prepare well-balanced meals for the digestive system. For gastritis the menu should include:

  • Soup. Most useful for ulcers, gastritis, first-ground courses. The best options are pureed soups with vegetables or low fat broths.
  • Fish, meat. Prioritize low-fat species. A prerequisite is to grind before use, even tender chicken or rabbit meat can cause indigestion, upset the affected stomach.
  • Congee. Only cook cereal in water. If you need to diversify your diet a little, it is possible to add a small amount of low-fat milk, but remember to monitor your body's response - if after eating porridge you worry about severe pain, betteris refusing to use dairy products.
  • Breakfast for gastritis of the stomach
  • Vegetables. Should not be used raw for gastritis - steam, boil. Grind before serving.
  • Fruit. Only non-acidic varieties are allowed (fruit with a high sugar content for gastritis is also not recommended). It is better not to eat fresh fruit - for cooking plastic, jelly-rich dishes.
  • Dairy products. Only low-fat milk, cheese, and cheese are allowed. Butter is allowed but in limited quantities
  • Candy. During the diet, you are allowed to enjoy sweets - marshmallows, homemade fruit jam, marshmallows.
  • Bread, cookies, crackers. If using bread for someone with gastritis, prefer yesterday's pastries - freshly baked goods, especially hot ones, are sure to cause severe pain.

Pay special attention to drinks. For gastritis, a herbal decoction is considered mandatory (a drink made from persimmon tree, which helps normalize stomach acidity, is especially helpful), green tea.

A 1-week home diet for gastric gastroenteritis

When planning a diet for people with gastroenteritis, severe ulcers, one important point should be noted - you should calculate the portion size for several meals. The optimal number of meals per day is at least five times (breakfast, first snack, lunch, second snack, dinner). The last meal should be taken no later than two hours before going to bed, preferably going to bed with a mild feeling of hunger.

The weekly diet of the gastritis diet, taking into account all the recommendations of nutritionists, is easy to organize, especially if you know which foods to prioritize. in your diet and what foods are best avoided.


  • Bread, oat porridge, boiled eggs, preparation of herbal decoction from drinks (steam 5–7 roses with a cup of boiling water).
  • Compote (use only dried fruit for cooking, prefer not to add prunes), biscuits.
  • Pureed pumpkin with steamed pumpkin, vegetable soup, tea (add a little milk, sugar to improve taste, but only if there is no exacerbation of gastritis).
  • Toast with a glass of kefir.
  • Steamed with noodles, shredded vegetables (vegetable oil), cocoa with milk.


  • Buckwheat porridge, Soufflé is made from skim milk, black or green tea.
  • Sweet jelly made from oatmeal.
  • Vegetable soup with rice, salad from boiled carrots, peas, spaghetti with oven baked zrazy, cocoa.
  • Low-fat cheese blended with a small amount of sugar, dried fruit.
  • Stewed vegetables, lean meat balls, dried fruit jelly.


  • Toast (cooked without vegetable oil), curd with honey, tea.
  • Kefir or homemade yogurt with no sweet ingredients.
  • Low fat casserole (rabbit, chicken) with vegetables, potato soup (beaten in a blender with mashed potatoes), drinks made from dried fruit.
  • Milk mousse is prepared from boiled fruit or dried fruit.
  • Rice porridge with rabbits, cut vegetables (preferably boiled vegetables, chopped chopped), tea.


  • Oat porridge, steamed or grilled fish (low-fat varieties only), herbal drinks.
  • Kissel is made from low-fat milk.
  • Blended carrots and potatoes, soup with vegetables, lean meat, cutlets or a snack.
  • Small cheese grated with honey.
  • Boiled (mashed) peas, toast or bread, chicken balls.


  • Toast or crackers, boiled eggs.
  • Oatmeal (with added sugar) drinks.
  • Pea soup (cut with a blender), grilled pumpkin, lean fish.
  • Milk kiss.
  • Rose broth, boiled fish, stewed cabbage, zucchini, potatoes, carrots.


  • Baked fruit (apple or pear), allowed to fill the curd, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Milk (minimum fat content) or any fermented milk drink.
  • Mashed potatoes and carrots with steamed cutlets (lean meat, bread, without spices), vegetable soup with chicken pieces.
  • Curd, add honey after grinding.
  • Pasta with boiled chicken, stewed pumpkin (can be substituted with roasted pumpkin), cocoa.


  • Buckwheat (cooked with a mixture of water, milk), soufflé (milk, a little sugar).
  • Grilled apple, apricot, pear, kefir.
  • Cauliflower (must be mashed), rice grains (chicken, veal), cocoa.
  • Stew from any vegetable (except garlic, onion), tea.
  • Steamed fish, vegetable salad (chopped vegetables, using vegetable oil as a sauce), rose hip broth.

No matter which type of diet you apply to ulcers or gastritis, you shouldn't be sitting on the same diet all the time. Should alternate different combinations, should supplement products are allowed, otherwise the body will get less than a number of useful elements, which will immediately affect the spirit and general well-being. Along with improving the function of your stomach there is a risk of other complications, so you will have to use different menus to avoid undesirable consequences.

Diet for gastritis: a week's menu with recipes for exacerbations

Knowledge of what is and what should not be in the diet for gastroenteritis is not enough, especially if the disease is progressing rapidly and is accompanied by exacerbations. A special diet recommended by a nutritionist is recommended.

It will provide a reasonable nutritional supplement, beneficial for disease, diet for gastric gastroenteritis, a weekly menu with recipes formulated by nutritionists. to all the features of the disease. There should be no problems especially with cooking - a diet made up of simple and affordable products that can be found in any home.


  • Breakfast. Minced cottage cheese, honey (mix ingredients according to good proportions, grind with a blender or sieve). Cocoa with milk (pour 20 g of cocoa into a cup of hot water, add a little milk, sugar).
  • Lunch. Flour soup with milk (boil a glass of milk, add 35 g cereal, stir vigorously, wait for the desired consistency, add a little butter). Omelet (break a few eggs, add some milk, pour into a pan that has been preheated with little oil, and cook without crumbling). Rose broth (steam a few pods with a cup of boiling water, keep under the lid and keep for a quarter of an hour).
  • Dinner. Steamed fish balls (turn fish fillets into minced meat, add a little broth, wash into balls, steam cooked). Noodles with vegetables (cooked noodles in low-salt water, boiled cabbage, carrots, peas, served as side dish).


  • Breakfast. Rice soup (add rice, carrots, parsley to chicken broth, cook until soft, add oil after chopping with a blender). Green tea or black tea (add honey or a little sugar after brewing, use sweet only for non-acute gastritis).
  • Lunch. Beef zrazy (add crackers to ground beef, make cakes, boiled rice inside, baked in the oven or steamed). Fruit compote (steamed with boiling water any dried fruit or crushed seeds of apples, peaches, plums, add raisins).
  • Dinner. Mashed carrots, potatoes (cut vegetables after peeling into small slices, hard-boiled, pureed), steamed cutlets (mix low-fat minced meat with soaked bread crust, add mashed potatoes on the machinefinely ground, forming small pieces of meat, steamed)


  • Breakfast. Aromatic seeds cooked in milk (steamed with boiling milk, stirring, until swollen). Tea (steam the tea leaves, add low-fat cream after infusing, stir well).
  • Lunch. Rice soup with milk (cook regular rice porridge, add milk, break in a blender). Carrot puree (boil the whole bulb, use a metal sieve to grind). Boil meat (rabbit or chicken fillet boiled over low heat, without spices, only a little salt).
  • Dinner. Lazy dumplings (add sugar, flour, raisins to crushed curds, mix well, wash into small balls, boil in salt water). Drinking water of rose hip (steamed with boiling water).


  • Breakfast. Vermicelli with butter (boil noodles in salt water, drain, pour butter in). Tea with cream.
  • Lunch. Milk soup with potatoes, carrots (boiled vegetables in water, chopped, poured hot milk, thickening corresponding to puree soup). Rice porridge with boiled chicken (pour rice into boiling water, boil until soft, boiled meat separately, put in finished porridge).
  • Dinner. Crushed buckwheat porridge (boil buckwheat porridge, interrupted with a blender, without adding milk or cream). Steamed cutlets (combine minced meat from low-fat meats with breadcrumbs, salt, make large cutlets, steam boiled). Dried fruit drink (steam a handful of dried fruit with boiling water, leave for half an hour, improve taste with sugar).


  • Breakfast. Curd block (blend non-nutritious cheese, add raisins, sugar). Cocoa with cream (boil a regular drink with cocoa, add cream instead of milk, sugar).
  • Lunch. Thinly rolled oats milk soup (pour oatmeal into boiling milk, cook until tender, season with sugar).
  • Dinner. Boiled meat (boiled chicken, rabbit fillet until tender). Noodles (boiled noodles, seasoned with vegetables or butter).


  • Breakfast. Mashed potatoes and carrots (boil vegetables, season with cream after chopping). Milk tea.
  • Lunch. Pea soup (boiled vegetables - potatoes, peas, carrots, cut in a blender). Chicken fillets with noodles (boil chicken fillets separately, tear the fibers, put noodles in to boil).
  • Dinner. Broken rice (combined with curd cubes, boiled rice, made into cutlets, cooked in the oven). Rose drink.
Steamed omelette for breakfast cure gastritis during exacerbations


  • Breakfast. Steam omelet (beat eggs with a little milk, steam cooked). Steamed mashed oats (brewed with boiling water, cut with cream).
  • Lunch. Carrots pureed (boiled carrots), served with bread or toast (dry bread in a toaster without butter). Boil fish (boil lean fish in boiling water over low heat until soft).
  • Dinner. Meat cheese (remove lean meat boiled twice through the finely sieve of the meat grinder, mixed with hard cheese pasted). Curds with lingonberry fruit (minced cheese, poured with low-fat sour cream, served with mashed fruit, sugar allowed for flavor enhancement).

Mid-meal snacks are popular - fermented milk drinks, dried fruit, homemade yogurt. If the hunger is disturbed, it is allowed to supplement the diet with fruit.

What diet is recommended for gastritis if the acidity is low?

Usually, with gastritis, doctors notice an increase in acidity in the stomach, but it happens that the numbers are much lower than usual. Adjusting the diet will normalize the acidity level, but some requirements will have to be taken into account.

If the acidity is low, the diet for gastric gastroenteritis will be different from the normal diet recommended for people with ulcers, with high acidity. Doctors warn that the gastric juice is not acidic enough, leading to a decrease in the decomposition of food, which immediately affects the metabolism. The body does not get the essentials for the proper functioning of the organs, the bowel work begins to be interrupted. The optimal diet for low acidity is to use foods that are easily broken down and digested.

A prerequisite for nutrition in case of insufficient acidity is to use fermented dairy products. Vegetables and fruits (necessarily sour) will provide significant benefits for gastritis. It is even allowed to eat fried food (cooked over medium heat until golden brown, food overcooked is not allowed). Consult with a registered dietitian in advance - during the exacerbation stage you will have to follow the usual diet recommended for gastritis, preferably boiled dishes.

With increased acidity, although the diet is quite mild, there are still prohibitions. Absolutely do not eat poultry (goose, duck), livestock (pork is especially dangerous for the stomach) in case of gastritis. Fish should be present in the diet, but there is one exception - it is better not to include salmon in the menu.

Sweets (high-fat desserts, cakes, cakes) will also have to be removed from the daily menu. Vegetables that normally trigger fermentation in the stomach - cabbage, legumes, onions - can be seriously harmful. It is also discouraged to use grapes in cooking (compotes, curd). Even a small amount of berries will cause fermentation, resulting in severe pain in the abdomen, increased acidity, general deterioration of health and exacerbation of gastritis.

If doctors note that the diet for patients with gastroenteritis, increasing acidity should be balanced, nutritious and pale. It is imperative to take the food into several doses, chew it thoroughly (the best way to cook it is to grind boiled food), observe equal intervals.

Fasting days will be no less helpful, during which time only drink water or herbal drinks (kefir, yogurt is allowed). Such diet helps to restore the mucous membrane, reduce acidity and regenerate the affected areas of the stomach.

Doctors warn that gastritis and diet are two inseparable concepts, it just depends on the adherence to the dietary rules that you can deal with a disease. effectively. In order to speed up the regeneration of tissues damaged by disease, normalize acidity, stabilize metabolic and digestive processes, it is necessary to adjust the menu, study eating features, cookbake and strictly follow medical recommendations.

Important! Informative articles! Before using, consult a specialist!